Building and Maintaining Remote Relationships
But with a little effort, we all have the potential to be happier and healthier – the research is clear on that. The results won’t be instantaneous, but I’m doing my best to eat my greens. For those who really are struggling to find the time for face-to-face connection in their community, a 2020 study found that even virtual connections can combat loneliness, to a certain extent. Julie Beck, an Atlantic journalist who spent three years documenting hundreds of stories of friendship, believes there are six forces that help friendships flourish and thrive.
Though it may take time to adjust, once you’re in the swing of things it can be hugely beneficial and as you settle in, you’ll learn to appreciate the advantages of the remote working lifestyle. Remote work has many advantages, but it also has its downsides; one of which is that it’s easy to neglect your personal needs when there’s no physical separation between work and life. Sticking to regular hours is one of the key tips for working remotely, as without structure it’s all too easy to find yourself overworked, or at the opposite end of the scale, drastically behind. And I’m taking Pan’s advice to reach out, and then reach out again, to new connections in my local area; I’m having coffee this week with the mum I met in the playground with the feral toddler and the nice hat. I’ve invited a friend that I don’t see regularly to see a play with me next week. After years of pandemic adjustments, many of us have never felt more isolated, myself included.
Workplace machine learning improves accuracy, but increases workload for people
With all the benefits workplace friendships bring, there will always be negatives that need to be understood, monitored, and sometimes acted upon. Favouritism and nepotism, whilst not necessarily a legal form of discrimination, can be equally damaging on many levels. Employees that are denied opportunity to develop or be part of a workplace project because they are not ‘in favour’ can lead to disengagement and the effort and ideas that they might have brought to the situation will be lost.
If feelings of isolation and loneliness at work are affecting your mental health, then talk to somebody about it; communication is key. For example, arranging a charity walk could be a great team-building exercise and an effective way to strike up workplace friendships with people who share a common interest. Being proactive and taking matters into your own hands in this manner are attractive characteristics that people look for in potential friends. Give yourself time, make a note of anything you’re finding difficult and prioritise them. I’d make sure to stop by a coffee shop to talk to a stranger or meet a new friend. Having a safe zone to talk about your personal life and how you’re coping – and being supported by your work community to do so – goes a long way towards feeling more connected to the other people in the office.
Schedule virtual coffee dates
If you cannot meet face-to-face, it is worth using video-conferencing as well as telephone, especially at the start of your relationship. The added difficulties are that you may lack some of the usual cues. For example, if you only ever speak by phone, you do not see any body language or facial expressions. However, you can use your tone of voice more consciously to convey meaning. Youth Employment UK is the leading youth organisation dedicated to tackling youth unemployment in the UK. We bring together young people, employers and policy in an innovative way that creates real impact.
- If making friends with completely new people is too much, consider people you already know.
- In the same way that setting aside a space for work helps to establish boundaries, getting ready in the morning will help you to adopt a professional mindset, while signalling that your working day is due to begin.
- You’ll probably strike up a conversation and might make a new friend.
- Others (me) know that it’s a great decision, but are struggling to overcome a few social and procrastination hurdles.
- People who primarily work from home were found to be more likely to have never had an annoying co-worker that they regularly work with, 24% vs 17% who primarily work in an office.
- It might sound obvious, but I think many forget to consider that you are the one being flexible.
It truly makes a huge difference to your work-life balance when work fits around your life, not the other way around. As mentioned earlier, not only are you working from home by yourself you are also in a new place where popping over to a friend’s or giving your mum a call isn’t always an option (stupid time zones). There are ways to avoid weight gain while working from home, and although it might not be something everyone is concerned about it doesn’t hurt to be mindful of your health when you’re changing your life and routine. So I got on the ol’ internet and started doing some research, along with some ideas from friends from home (who I would insistently tell I was TOTALLY fine and not at all missing their beautiful familiar faces).
Tips for Working Remotely
But, just like anything else, we can actively prioritise our friendships by flexing the right muscles. “Having healthy, fulfilling relationships is its own kind of fitness – social fitness – and like physical fitness, it takes work to maintain,” write Waldinger and Schulz. It was a fun night (although I did wake up the next morning with a rum-induced headache) and at time of writing it still stands as to whether I’ll ever see Sophie again.
Is remote working lonely?
One pre-pandemic study showed that full-time remote work was found to increase loneliness by 67% when compared to in-office work, according to research by organizational psychologist Lynn Holdsworth.
Since meeting someone new at work was out of the picture, I looked to the internet for a dating app… but for friends. It turns out there’s a few around, such as Yubo, LMK, Wink, and Hey Vina. After downloading a few and trying them on for size, I opted for Bumble BFF. Everyone’s mental health can suffer if they feel isolated, and it is essential to reach out to others to ensure that both they and you remain healthy. If your organisation has provided you with technology such as hardware or software you should use it.
What is a ‘recruitment agency’?
Whilst there is no pressure to ‘get ready’ when you’re working from home (unless you have video calls scheduled), it’s a good idea to change out of your pyjamas and maintain usual levels of grooming and hygiene. In the same way that setting aside a space for work helps to establish boundaries, getting ready in the morning will help you to adopt a professional mindset, while signalling that your working day is due to begin. With the homeworking trend set to continue, it’s more important than ever before to stay productive and manage your wellbeing effectively.
- Hearing others working and typing can give you a morale boost and improve your mood.
- This article offers 10 tips for working remotely to help you find the right balance.
- Introverts are people who feel more comfortable spending time with a few people rather than a big crowd and enjoy their own company too.
- While opinions will naturally vary person-to-person, the phrase that the highest percentage of workers agreed was the most annoying, was “holibobs”.
- Repotting will elevate the friendship from work bae to full-fledged bud.
She currently works as a policy fellow at Millenium Challenge Corporation. We often think likable people are funny or smart or charismatic, but the secret to being likable is actually to like people. According to the theory of inferred attraction, people like people who they think like them.